Sunday, January 31, 2016

Pro Bowl 2016

I feel like the Pro Bowl is just one big publicity stunt. I hate the Pro Bowl. It’s just a glorified recess for every pro football athlete in the country. It’s just a big pay raise for every athlete in the country. These games are just not fun to watch anymore. I could tell from the beginning to be going to win. I could tell it was Team Irvin that was going to win. It’s just one team beating up on the other team. With Team Rice having 27 first downs, there’s no reason they aren’t winning. Looking at the rushing yards for each team is about Team Rice with 61 and Team Irvin with 76 yards. I mean I remember having those stats in middle school. I find this game tonight so pathetic. It was a waste of time to watch it. Again Team Rice with an offense efficiency of 9-12 and Team Irvin with 5-7, those are middle school stats again. I find this the worst game of the year. Both of the teams running backs each had about 7 first downs rushing. And that’s just flat out terrible.  Probably the worst Pro Bowl game I’ve ever seen.

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