Sunday, January 31, 2016

The Better Sports Movies Made

People will argue on what are the best sports movies ever made. But I plan to put hat all to rest on my list of the greatest sports movies ever made!!
5. Creed. I think that is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a long time. It’s about how a young boxer want to be just like his father, perhaps even better. After being in an out of juvenile detention centers, he finds out that his father is Apollo Creed.  With the help of longtime family friend, Rocky Balboa he helps him fight one of the top ranked fighters in the world.
4. Rudy. It’s the perfect underdog story by far ever made. Rudy Ruettiger wanted to play for Notre Dame, but he never had the money, to grades, or the athletic ability. After everything he went to, he got the grades up and got the chance to be a walk-on. But after all his hard work and dedication all the players lay down their jerseys all for him to just be on travel squad. All and all it’s a great movie with a powerful message.
3. The Sandlot 2. It’s the perfect family movie as well as the perfect baseball movie. It shows how a person’s past can change the way you think about them. After David gets attacked by the dog his love of baseball never died. After David and his best friends all played baseball on the “Sandlot.” But after meeting the love of his life he never knew how to talk to her, until they split apart after high school. This loving baseball story and a loving romantic movie.
2. Field of Dreams. This is the ultimate baseball movie and a personal favorite of mine. The incredible movie of an Iowa farmer having a crazy dream of building a baseball field in the middle of a corn field. The timeless tale of a just searching for a sign that he should sell his land to his brother-in-law. Instead of just one sign, the “baseball gods” send him multiple signs. But this is the heartless fan favorite, everyone loves Field of Dreams. It’s a great movie.
1. The Final Season. It’s the best movie I’ve ever seen. It’s another underdog team just wanting to earn respect from other school. But back in the 90s a lot of schools had to merge together, because they didn’t have enough students at the schools hence the name “The Final Season.” After the school’s baseball coach takes a job with a farm team, the assistant coach must take over. The best part of the whole movie is the fact that he ran things just as the former coach did. This is my favorite, I also watch it the day before our first spring game and before our first high school of the year.

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