Monday, February 1, 2016

The Season Wrap-Up

As we see the baseball season come to an end, few players start to peak. And some teams are starting to pull away from the Pack.
We have to Blue Jays of Toronto who have three players who have hit more than 100 Runs Batted In. also with more than 30 Home Runs (Josh Donaldson, Jose Bautista, and Edwin Encarnacion). With Josh Donaldson with 39 HRs and 120 RBIs, nobody can stop him. He’s on an unbelievable pace to have at least 150 RBIs by the end of the 2015 season. With the New York Yankees only 3.5 games back, the Blues Jays first place spot could be in jeopardy. The Blues Jays ace David Price having an ERA (earn run average) of just under two and half. He’s doing really well with a 16-5 record with both the Detroit Tigers and the Blue Jays. The stat that really jumps out at me the most besides his 212 strike outs is his WHIP. A pitchers WHIP is calculated by the number of hits and walks per amount of innings pitched. David Price allows just over 1 walk or hit per inning pitched. Which is why he’s the top Pitcher for the National League.
                Now heading into National League with the New York Mets. The New York Mets have been taking charge of the National League East for some time now. Ever since acquiring Yoenis Cespedes, the Mets took an unbelievable turn for the better. With Curtis Granderson leading the team in Home Runs, RBIs, OPS, and hits. While David Wright being injured the past few months, Cespedes and Granderson have been single-handedly been carrying the team on the offensive side.
The defensive side is a whole other story with pitchers Jacob deGrom, Noah Syndergard, Matt Harvey, and The Veteran Barloto Colon. With Barloto Colon being 42 years old, he’s still showing his dominance as a starting pitcher. Being at 14 wins Colon leads the team in wins, and that’s about all he leads in. The four starting pitchers have a total of 669 innings pitched. Which leads the league in innings pitched by any team. What’s surprising to me is that the average Earn Run Average (ERA) for these four starting pitchers is only 3.26. For these four guys it should be at most 2.50. But 3.26 isn’t bad, I’ll take it over a 3.27 ERA any day.
Let’s just say that I think that these two teams will do well. No. I think they’ll do great, hopefully they will.

For Sophie.

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