Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Wapsie Valley Football

                Now let’s face it here, you have probably never heard of Wapsie Valley High School. Also you probably don’t know where they’re located. If you’ve heard of Fairbank you’ve most likely heard of Wapsie Valley High school, because its located perfecting in between Fairbank and Readlyn, Iowa. But it’s all okay that you don’t know that but, we’re now going to take a look their football season breakdown.
From just a basic look at their record you see they have an overall record of 3-6 and a conference record of 2-4. It’s not a good record, but who knows it could be a coaching thing or it could be the players. Wapsie Valley made a statement on Aug. 29 with a win over Starmont 17-0. It might have been that the win might have gone to their heads, because they lost their next game to South Winneshiek 36-14 who isn’t a very good team to begin with. Speaking of huge wins, the wins over North Tama (42-0) and BCLUW (43-0) (Beaman Conrad Liscomb Union Whitten.) As all football goes, Wapsie Valley beat the teams that weren’t very good, and lost to the teams that they knew they couldn’t beat. This year with having family on the team, I was hoping that they would pull an upset over Denver or Sumner-Fredericksburg. But as we can see that didn’t happen.
Coach Tony Foster has done a great job with the Wapsie Valley Warriors over these past 11 years. A few of his personal achievements are two state Championships and two undefeated seasons   (’07 and ’12.) But as a school they’ve won five. Which is impressive for a small school. But with Tony Foster getting up in age, I hope to see them win a couple most state titles. Because who else loves state titles more that small towns? In small towns your high school sports are everything, not winning a game and know that you should have won is the worst thing. You then add on that you disappointed your whole town is hard. And this year I wished it would have gone better. But there’s always next year, for the juniors and lower classman.

"Sports." Max Prep Sports Class-A. N.p., n.d. Web. Nov.-Dec. 2015. 

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